Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer Reading Plans

Note: I've been posting a lot this week for two reasons: 1) I assigned a social media personal essay project to my students and I thought I'd do it with them by putting more down on this this blog. I have a perfectly valid reason to update during the school day.  2) I am freaking obsessed with subscription boxes. OBSESSED I tell you!

But back to the original reason for this post. 

This school year has had it's own challenges but overall it has been a pretty good one. I got to teach classes I actually felt passionate about (Fiction Writing and Literature of the Middle East). I liked my students (and I'm not just saying this because they might actually spend some time reading this blog. Lastly, we have a new schedule that actually allows me, as an administrator/teacher to get things done during the day so I don't find myself working from home until 9PM.

The year is rapidly coming to a close and I'm looking forward to spending the summer reading book after book and writing page after page.

Here's what is on the docket for my summer reading.

Maus I and II. Why? Besides being excellent, this is actually required reading for the kiddos at school. I've never read them even though they've been on my shelf all year.

The Night Circus (Erin Moganstern) Why? I bought a copy recently and why not? Looks like it will be a good read.

The Brothers Karamazov. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky) Why? Because I've my copy for a million years and there is absolutely no reason why I have not read this book already.

Anna Karenina. (Leo Tolstoy)  Why? See above.  I went to see the movie and I found it to be absolutely stunning to watch. But also, I bought my copy in Minneapolis on a college admission recruiting trip. I haven't been on a recruiting trip since 2007.....

Hold it Til it Hurts (T. Geronimo Johnson)Why? Because Nimo is a great writer and former classmate. Also, he was nominated for a PEN/Faulkner award!

A Visit From the Goon Squad (Jennifer Egan) It's one that I've owned without reading for far too long.

There you have it. I hope that by the time the summer is over I have read more than this short listing of books. I know that I have at least 10 others at home that I have yet to read. I'm going to aim for a book a week for the month of June and give two weeks each to the Russians. If I can do that, August will be the perfect time to add a new list of short works that I'll consider using for Fiction Writing in the fall and Literature of the Middle East in the Spring. I also want to start developing a new course for the 2014-15 year so that Middle East becomes an every other year course.

Anyone have a couple of good book suggestions?

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