Friday, March 15, 2013

In Case You Were Wondering...

...What I've been doing since August, well here's the rundown you're dying for!


The Airman likes to eat out. I like to stay in (stop the giggles, sometimes I do like to stay in). So the compromise (in my head) has been that I cook restaurant quality dishes at home!

Here's a list of some things I've made:

Lobster Mac and Cheese
Molten Chocolate Cake
Chicken Curry
Bacon Wrapped Scallops
Beef Borgiugnon
Coq au Vin
Garlic Shirimp with Couscous and Snow Peas

This is just 2013...I can't remember all the yummies from 2012


Fingerless gloves!


Fiction Writing to high school juniors and seniors
We read: Barry Hannah, Joan Didion, ZZ Packer, Tobias Wolff, Bret Anthony Johnston, Annie Dillard, Raymond Carver, Anne Lamott, Justin Torres, Joan Silber, Jeffery Eugenides, Russell Banks, Stuart Dybek, Chris Offutt, Edward P. Jones, Dorothy Allison, Joyce Carol Oates, Andre Dubus, Jamaica Kincaid, George Saunders, Denis Johnson, and Ann Rushton

Literature of the Middle East
We read: Midaq Alley by Naugib Mahfouz
We are reading: Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi
We will read: Selections from Tablet and Pen edited by Reza Aslan

I've also been teaching knitting classes at Lovelyarns here in Hampden, Baltimore!

What I've become obsessed with?

Nail Polish!

What I have become REALLY obsessed with?

Subscription boxes.

This may be a good reason as to why I'm always broke. But the Airman get so many packages in the mail! I wanted packages too. I really only subscribe regularly to PopSugar, Birchbox, and Ipsy. Yuzen is new to me and it's only quarterly so I don't feel quite as bad. I got a really cheap intro price for Glossybox so it's not likely I'll keep it after this first one. I've limited myself to $50 a month in boxes. Which is what I'd spend on going out for a night.

Note: I'm including links. If you subscribe through my links I might get some kind of credit. I apologize in advance for making you obsessed too...

PopSugar Must Have
 Ipsy MyGlam

What I've Read:

See above under teaching and tack on a whole lot of high school essays.
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis
This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz
The Twelve by Justin Cronin
And I recently re-read The Septembers of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer.

The Next Big Thing or The Next Thing

My friend Ann Rushton, yes, that lovely and talented Ann Rushton, tagged me on this writerly project and I promptly dropped the ball. I'm finally picking it up today. Expect a couple of posts throughout the day.

According to Ann:
(This is my limited understanding of this phenomenon: Writers are tagged and asked to write about their current projects and then tag other writers to do the same the following week. Surely you’ve seen this. If not, I am sad to report that googling may not be helpful, as I’ve also seen this project referred to as The Next Big Thing and other questions have been asked of other writers so maybe ultimately this has turned into a version of an internet telephone game.)

Okay. So here it goes. I'm going to answer some questions about my novel-in-progress.   Expect this to be awkward and vague. I'm (not really) sorry.

TNBT: What is the working title of the book?

What We Have Lost
            What We Have Found

I totally imagine that this is how the title will look on a book cover one day. Or maybe not. I don't know.

TNBT: Where did the idea come from for the book?

When I graduated from college I scribbled a lot of paragraphs about a couple named Sherry and Roger and domestic misery. At the time I was writing a lot about Sherry toying with the idea of committing suicide. The scene I wrote had her packing a suitcase as if she were going to take a trip, and then sitting in her car in the garage while the engine ran. She would stop the car when she felt a little dizzy and then go back into the house and unpack the suitcase. Those scenes have all been cut (maybe they'll come back??) but around that idea I give S. and R. a family. It's more fun to write a family self destructing. I've also been inspired by numerous people I've encountered, stories I witnessed and stories that have been told to me.
TNBT: What genre does your book fall under?
Literary fiction.  Domestic fiction. Fiction.

TNBT: What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Ugh. I have no idea. I went on a House of Cards bender last weekend and I think the actress who plays the young journalist would be good for Claire, she's young, ambitious in all the wrong ways, and pretty but not stunning. I would cast Michael K. Williams in everything. I would even change the lead male into Omar if I could be friends with him. But he's a little too young. 

TNBT: What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
A kid dies, a family self-destructs, let's all talk about race and class!  

TNBT: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

General wonderment and curiosity.
TNBT: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Adultery! Race! Class! Teen pregnancy! Guns! Summer houses! And then somebody gets married!!
What's not to love?

TNBT: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Well, first I should finish writing it. I hope some agent will take an interest and represent the work. I'd like to think that if I can complete something I'm proud of, it will have a life outside of my computer's hard drive.

I'm going to tag May in the Bay maybe she'll have some time??

Keeping it Simple

I'm not sure how I feel about re-entering the blog world. I have not been doing a great deal of writing. In fact, the only writing I've done in the last 6 months has been the multitude of letters of recommendation I am required to write for my students. I don't mind writing them, some of them are challenging while many others are quite easy to pen. I take pride in those letters, after all, I spend hours crafting each one. But let's be clear, it's not fiction.

For a long time I haven't really had the desire to write. I thought I would get inspired by having one of my Iowa classmates living in the same house with me. It might have inspired a little jealousy ( I wish I had mornings to write--technically I do--I have the five o'clock hour, I just lack a lot of motivation). I thought having a boyfriend (The Airman) remind me that I could be writing, when I say that I am bored, would be a motivation. I mean, who wouldn't want a boyfriend that was super supportive of your artistic endeavors? He's great but, sometimes it's easier to just turn the television on.

I had great plans to write over the winter break. I was looking forward to it, I even set a goal. I would finish the novella I started two years ago, thus completing a major part of my novel. Then my car got stolen and I learned that I didn't have enough insurance to cover the repairs when it came in (I still don't have my car but it's going to the shop on Monday!!) Car-less and semi-broke=depression which =no writing which=more depression. This spring break, without a car has kind of felt the same.

Yesterday, I wrote. I hopped in a taxi and I met a colleague from school at a local coffee shop and  from 8 in the morning until about 11 we wrote. It felt good to start thinking about my characters again, to give them a voice when they've had none for five months or more. I didn't put out the highest word count but I looked over the novella and started writing the end of the first half of the book. To be honest, the ending has eluded me for a long time, but yesterday it started to fall into place.

So I'm writing again. I think a morning session and a blog post constitutes as "writing again".  I will do a little work this afternoon before the Airman comes home today. I think he'll be happy for me. I'm happy for me.