Monday, March 2, 2015

Writers, Writers, Everywhere

On Saturday I saw a friend who told me how much she liked the blog. The blog I hardly ever think about or publish on.  On this icy, wet, but oddly warm, day, I feel inspired to write. I also just finished teaching my Fiction Writing class and that always inspires me to write.

Last week was an incredibly busy one. The reading series I host at work had its kickoff event last Thursday. We hosted three poets: Dora Malech, Will Schutt, and James Arthur. Our incredibly talented librarian Jessica, wrote the event up on our school's library blog. You can read all about the reading here

In my introduction that evening, I spoke about how I've had to learn to enjoy poetry. It's quite lovely to be able to say that I like it and mean it, this is largely in thanks to the talented poets who shared their work with us last Thursday.  

Thursday also was also made special by LaShonda Katrice Barnett, who visited my class to read from her new novel, Jam on the Vine, and talk about the writing life. The kids were inspired and I made a new friend. She also recorded me telling Amy Bloom how much I love her. So you know what, EVERYONE WON on Thursday.

What's next? Well, Asali Solomon will be reading at FriendsLit next Tuesday, March 10th. Her new novel, Disgruntled, was released back in February. I first learned of Asali back in 2007 when I was headed to Iowa. I devoured her collection of short stories, Get Down. Those stories did many things for as a human but as a writer, they gave me confidence.

I love writers. I love books.