Sunday, July 31, 2011

Instead of writing my novel...

I'm blogging. Or thinking about blogging. But I suppose that since I have begun a post and written at lest two sentences, I am, in fact, blogging.

I did have some editing momentum this afternoon. And I actually made it out of the house to get some work done. Though I feel I have been foiled by the internet (the cafe I work out of didn't have internet until recently). The internet and the missing edited pages and the short piece I know I wrote last year about the main female character having an affair with her Ethics Professor while she was in medical school. I know I wrote and I don't know if I can re-write it because the first time it came our so well...I was really, really, angry at men and it came out very well in the fiction. I know I have it somewhere and maybe when I start packing up my house I can take some time to go through the dozens of notebooks and legal pads I have that contain the remnants of my unfinished works.

But now, I'm going to go back to novel writing.

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