Sunday, January 9, 2011

In Memory of 2010

I thought I would just give a quick rundown on the goings-on of 2010 before I take on 2011. Let's see...

2010 started out with a little bit of a broken heart and very broken knee. And yet, I managed to make it out to Michigan in the eary days of the year to celebrate birthdays with my dear Jen and Patrick. My knee was slightly healed by then but I successfully managed to re-injure it swordfighting at two in the morning because, I'm awesome like that.

In March, Little German Girl Number 2 aka Liebescroissant came to visit Iowa City. Then Batch came to Iowa city. Then Wifey came to Iowa City. And I remembered just how loved I was.

Sometime in between all those visits from friends, I began the job search.
And I turned 30. And I got to celebrate other with other good friends as they turned 30. We drank lots of champagne because that's what you do when you turn 30.

In 2010 I worked as a college professor (Assistant Adjunct, but still, I was an honest to god professor). I made the difficult decision to leave Iowa City behind in the hopes of finding a new home and a new life on the East Coast. And with that new life came a new job title. I decided I would teach high school. I interviewed in New York, Philadelphia and then, Baltimore where I would ultimately find my home.

Summer of 2010: I had a month-long adventure with and Italian Lady, a FFrench neuro scientist, a Greek architecht, and the founder of a local Opera. We drank lots of champagne and had dance parties and dinner parties and general happiness and merry making.

I TA'd another summer class at the workshop and made more, lovely, and talented friends.

I co-habitated for the first time with a partner(of sorts). It was only a week but it was a LONG week. (Won't be repeating that anytime soon)

I made my last road trip (for a while) from Iowa City to Philadelphia making one stop in Ann Arbor

In 2010 I took up residence in Four states. Iowa for 7 months, Pennsylvania for 2 weeks, Delaware for a month, and then Maryland.

I met a psychic who told me I would be a successful writer. Seriously, she walked up to me on a New York City street and said "You're a writer and you're going to be very successful." I'm going to take her word for it.
My first story will be published in March of 2011. The first step is always the hardest.

I threw about 4 pretty awesome parties in my places of residence in both Baltimore and Iowa City.

I came up with an idea and outline for a second novel. And then a third.
I discovered Battlestar Galactica. I began my first sweater. I taught my first semester of high school.

I ended 2010 with my heart intact and renewed sense of excitement.

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