Monday, October 25, 2010

Sharing my words

If I get to spend anytime here in the next week it will be amazing. These are the last few days of the quarter and there's a lot of work to be done. Grading, writing letters of recommendation--finding time for sleep (which I'm pretty sure is not going to happen for the next week) are priority. As much as I complain (mostly to myself and occasionally to the other new teacher) I really don't mind work. What I dislike is that I haven't had a minute to write--well, maybe a few minutes here and there, but sadly, I don't write that way. I need hours, I need focus, I need to get my space organized.

Whatever readers I have out there (I know there are a least I hope there are a couple) might be happy to know that my story "Until the Heart Stops Beating" will be published in Issue 5 of the Hawaii Women's Journal--I think sometime in January? Not sure. But I am really excited. It's the first time my work will be read outside of a school or friend setting.It's also encouraging. I'm not very good about sending my work out into the world. There are a couple of reasons for this.

1. I'm not sure I'm good enough. What writer ever is? I'm often not even sure why I spend my time writing short stories or putting together my novel. There's always a lot of doubt when you spend your time "making shit up" as I like to say.

2. I don't always know if I want to keep my writing for myself or if I even want to share it with the outside world. Even though it's fiction, some of my writing is intensely personal and it's strange to think of other people (says the girl with the blog) reading my work. Judging.

Well enough of my insecurity. It's happening. I'm getting out there. And I kind of like it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am going to boss you into submitting more. Hello! Don't be selfish and keep your gorgeous sensibility all to yourself.

    And you are MORE THAN good enough.

    So there.

