Sunday, October 10, 2010

Settling In

I've been away from this page for some time now mostly because life has been anything but slow.  The day after my last post, I started my new job--English Teacher and College Counselor--moved into my new house, went on a business trip, took a trip DC for the National book festival and made obligatory family and friend visits. Is it any surprise that I spent yesterday, my first weekend home in some time, asleep on the couch (after getting up at 7 to proctor the SAT).

The jobs is good --there's nothing like good old fashioned hard work, right? But it's a lot of work and I have to say I'm not convinced I like getting up at 5AM. I am convinced that I am in love with teaching. My students are amazing and even though they have their moments of being too chatty, I adore them. I don't remember if I was as smart or savvy as some of them are at 14. And if I was, go me!

Knitting project update:

February Lady still not done. It's pure laziness at this point. I'm making Thanksgiving my deadline for this one.

Rushing River Socks. One down, but I can't find the other skein or my size 1 1/2 needles.....blurg!

Leaf Lace Scarf: There's really no rush to finish this. I guess if I commit to working on it for 20 minutes every day I could probably be done in about two weeks. Might be nice to have for the coming winter months.

Spring Forward Socks from Knitty: You might ask why did I start a project when I already had three on the burner...well, it was time to get on a plane and I didn't have the needles I needed for the RR socks, so I thought, why not cast on something with the awesome Lorna's Laces sock yarn I have It's PINK and so soft, so why not? I'm on the foot quickly approaching the gusset decrease. Hopefully I will cast on sock number 2 by the end of the week.

 END Knitting update.


Well, I did edit a story a couple of weeks ago. But I'm so insanely busy, and still getting acclimated to my new schedule, that I'm finding it difficult to get it all done. As previously mentioned, I've been waking up around 5 in the morning. It's great, but I need to make it work to my advantage. Which means, going to bed around 9 or 10 instead of 11 or 12. It would be awesome to make those early mornings work for me. A finished draft by the end of December isn't looking good..

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