Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Whole Catastrophe

Ah the monthly salon.

Once a month, I gather with my writing/knitting friends and we have a salon. We take turns reading our work out loud and offer constructive and thoughtful words about writing. I both hate and love it.

I hate it because I hate deadlines. I hate having to prepare for things. I write best when I have no set dates, when no one is expecting anything from me. I like it that way. Unfortunately, if I want to have a real writing life, that ain't gonna work. I also, have a little bit of stage fright. Even though they're my friends--best friends in town--I still get nervous. And let me tell you, the shot of whiskey and or tequila I treat myself to before reading is not really appropriate for these nights.

I love it because my friends are awesome. They say kind things and they make me feel like a real writer. They are as dedicated to the craft as I am and they believe in my talent. What's not to love? Also, I leave those ladies after hearing their extraordinary works in progress and I'm inspired.

Today I've been doing my least favorite thing. I've been editing. Yep, I'm editing the story that will NEVER be done. at least I think it will never be done. It feels like it will never be done. I thought I'd finish up with it today in time for submitting it to a couple of places, but....that's not happening. Which is fine. I really want this piece to go out and be as good as I can make it Once it gets there, I'm sure (I hope) it will find a home. In the mean time, back to editing.

Last two things, one book related and one knitting related.

I'm working hard on my February Lady sweater. I still hope it will be done in time for my trip to NYC next week. So far, it looks good and that makes me happy.

And...I'm reading "The Vagrants" by Yiyun Li. SO GOOD. And, last week I went to hear Adam Haslett read from his new novel. It was a great reading, though I felt bad for the guy who tried to make a snarky Marilynne Robinson comment. She was in the audience. I picked up Haslett's collection of short stories but I have no idea when I'll actually get to them. The "Tower of Books" it tall ya'll. Real tall.

One more thing. And this is totally a vanity moment, and one that will probably never happen again (well, it happened the night f the election, so I'll tell both stories). Last week I was buying a very necessary Red Velvet cupcake and the girl behind the counter called me by name and said she was at a reading I'd given. I believe she used the word legendary. Though, she could have been talking about the cupcakes.

This happened once before, the night of Obama's election. I was leaving a big celebratory party downtown and a very inebriated young man hugged me and said "Go Obama!" Then he said, "I loved your reading." The two did not deserve to be in the same breath, but it was flattering just the same.

I'm done. Back to knitting and editing, the only two things I'll be doing until the weekend.

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