Thursday, August 5, 2010

This is about Writing

My first story has been accepted for publication (more details when I get them). Needless to say I am overjoyed. A week after this good news fell into my lap, an agent with whom I'd been sharing some emails and eventually, the same story, contacted me to tell me she enjoyed the read. Always nice for a writer to hear. She asked for a synopsis of the novel in stories in progress and I mailed that off with promises of a few sample stories/chapters.

My novel is in a weird place these days. All my writing feels as if it's in a weird place. My novel in particular is in desperate need of editing. I know that if I just sat down with it for two days and did nothing else, I could probably figure things out, which would allow me to continue with the narrative. I want a draft by December dammit! A complete (if largely unedited) draft!

On top of it all, I'm kind of in between homes, about to start a new job and all my papers are buried underneath boxes of clothing a books in my car. AND I'm all tied up in writing my Iowa story about New Yorkers who move to Coralville from New York City in search of a better life only to get there just as the river was rising in June 2008. Whoops....(FYI: Coralville, the little town next to my first apartment in Iowa City was flooded, destroying the strip. It was so close and so flooded that when I saw pictures of it on CNN, I was sure they were talking about some other Iowa place and not half a mile from my house).

1 comment:

  1. You rock it, lady. I cannot wait to read your story!!!
