Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Packing Up and Shipping Out...

...in 10 days anyway. Maybe 11 days. I'm shooting for 10. I've packed about 6 boxes, all books and for some reason, I keep committing myself to things that take me away from packing...College counseling, teaching children how to crochet....cooking for parties....Someone make me stop. But seriously, I guess it has to do with a reluctance to cut ties with certain elements of Iowa City. Now there are some things that I will eagerly leave behind, but there are a few things (mostly people) that I wish I could strap down to the roof of my car and make them come with me to B'more. Look forward to a bunch of posts where I complain about packing, being sad about moving, moving between elation and depression and how I'm going to learn to take certain things and cut them out of my heart (too dramatic? yeah, probably).

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